In his article I would like share my experience in monitoring and gathering mailbox databases's statistics in Exchange 2010 enviroment by Zabbix monitoring system.
As for me the main problem that I have met was execution time powershell script.
Especially loading Exchange 2010 snapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 that really increased running time. My first
version of solution have used
template on Zabbix side and two scripts at agent side,
one for discovery purpose other for getting items parameters. Also I set
maximum Timeout=30 in Zabbix agent configuration file .
Option: Timeout
# Spend no more than Timeout seconds
on processing
Mandatory: no
Range: 1-30
solution has worked successfully for one year. But one time powershell scripts
started work longer than 30 seconds and as result Zabbix stopped getting items parameters. I tried
to fix it but unfortunately unsuccessful. If you know how to fix it could you share with
me I will appreciate it.
I have created new solution in short way changing just scripts without touching
Zabbix template. I have wrote powershell script Get-ExchangeDbStatus.ps1 that
generate csv file that contains needed info about mailbox and launch by
scheduler every 5 minutes on Exchange server. Two other scripts Get-ExchangeDbDiscovery.ps1 use for discovery function and Get-ExchangeDb.ps1 getting items parameters. I
prefer to keep custom user parameters in separate file therefore I configured like below.
Option: Include
# You may include individual files in
the configuration file.
Mandatory: no
Configuration file zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf contains two user
2010 MailBox Server Role
UserParameter =
exchange.db.discovery[*],powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile
UserParameter =
exchange.db[*],powershell.exe "C:\Zabbix\Get-ExchangeDb.ps1"
"$1" "$2"
This solution was tested in Exchange 2010 and Zabbix 2.4.0.
Template, scripts and user parameters config you can find
on GitHub
ReplyDeleteWhy do not you use trappers on the server? Increasing the agent's timeout negatively affects the priority of processing server poller requests.
Hi, i need some help pls. Im not sure if im missing something,the scripts run and data gets sent but it fails to import. JSON back [{"response":"success","info":"processed: 0; failed: 1; total: 1
ReplyDeleteDo you have any idea?